September 12, 2010

Winnipeg Friendlies

Since I was in passing through Winnipeg anyways, I made sure to make it a long weekend for an extra day to visit some friends in my old stomping grounds. Ian and Victoria have been good buddies of mine since my olden days at Digital Chameleon some 8 years ago. We met up for some drinks at a pub and then wandered down to a game shop to chat and visit with Ian's assitant.
My good friend Colin was next on the list and we had some Indian food and then hit a few pubs for a beer or two in an endless quest to find a place that wasn't just setting up for loud and obnoxious music. I met Colin back in my gamer days maybe a decade ago and it was nice to check in with him and all his latest endeavors.
Rounding out the end of the night I was able to meet up with Wil who was flying out to Portugal the following morning. We grabbed a quick drink and a snack before calling it a night as he was busy most of the day and we didn't meet up until around midnight. Like Colin I've known Wil for ages since my gamer days and it was good to hear where he's at too.
Fine human beings one and all, if you are one of the above you have every right to be proud of yourselves :)

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