March 22, 2013

Aquarium Amphibians which Act Awesomely

Frogs are fun and cute.  Sounds like the title of a kids book. I mean look at that little self-satisfied expression on this Waxy Monkey Treefrog (yes, you read that right).  The amphibian exhibit at the Vancouver Aquarium is pretty good, but I prefer going out and finding my own. Though there's lots of stuff that we don't get up in Canada.  Poison dart frogs for one.
Axolotl's are another. Apparently they taste like chicken but I would be really really hungry before I grilled one.  They look made for kebabs though.  They have very wide mouths and pretty pink frilly things around their gills.
These poison dart frogs pictured below are super tiny. They are about as big as your thumbnail.  You need a macro or really good zoom to get a reasonable focus on them.  They bounce up and down a bit sometimes. I am not sure if its mating display or a territorial display. Or maybe they are just bouncing because they are happy pretty red froggies.

March 14, 2013

Steven Visit

The Mute Swans at Lost Lagoon are fed a special diet. Most people give them bread which is very bad for them.  Here we are feeding them cracked corn which is fine.  Steven was highly entertained making this one stretch for his snack.
Steven was more entertained by the evil looking gigantic cat that I call a pet.  Kodiak got along with him very well and condescened to snuggle after 2-3 days.  I just realized that my Penguin Pillow Fortesque is photobombing.  Kodiak's eyes are ice-blue which is why they look so red in the picture. They must be picking up the red of the sofa.
Steven is making friends and looking incredibly pleased with a Chestnut Backed Chickadee.  We had quite the swarm of them coming to have a snack.  They are incredible bold friendly birds.  Two pictures of Steven feeding birds. I hope that is not over kill.  I don't care I love that photo below.