May 7, 2013

Outside the Horne Lake Caves

I already did a post about the inside of Horne like Cave. Here is the outside.  For all the forest you would not expect there to be limestone, karst formations below.  Well maybe if you were a geologist you would. The area looks like unassuming hilly Vancouver Island forest.
Every once in a while you get these formations. This is a cave entrance with a small opening than a shaft that is vertical but climbable. It lead into a small chamber than through a narrow low overhang to another vertical drop and to a 2nd chamber.  There is another exit but I was too short to reach it.
More rock formations with Geordie for scale.  The whole hiking route without doing the caves takes maybe 45 minutes and there is some information about the area posted.  Better for those who are interested but aren't into caving or spelunking.

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