January 23, 2013

Fanciful Frozen Forms

Both Geordie and myself were intrigued with snow covered trees. Hemlocks in particular look like 'Who Trees'.  Like the ones in 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas".  Sometimes you can see fanciful shapes.  Geordie had to point out to me the elephant head formed by the snow and tree below.
In a meadow up on Hollyburn the ice had created these beautiful feathery formations.  So delicate.  We lacked a decent macro lens for a detailed close up.  Or perhaps it looks like tiny trees.  In such a tiny thing there is so much detail. So amazing.
This is a neat bit of landscape too.  The snow built up along the one side then it looks like the tree blew or pressure from the snow pushed it to one side.  It looks to me like a white hand or maybe a tentacle coming to grasp the tree. Tree type I think may be a hemlock.

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