February 2, 2012

Galapagos Penguins

Penguins are not usually associated with the Ecuator. The icy cold Humboldt Current which flows up to the Galapagos lets penguins find these tropics habitable. We saw our only Galapagos Penguins at Sombrero Chino at Santiago Island. This was a lovely area with crystal clear waters and magnificent lava fields.
Click on the panorama below to enlarge it.
Way off in the distance were spotted a group of 4-6 Galapagos Penguins. These wee fellows were chilling on the lava rocks on shore. They were very difficult to spot without the aid of binoculars. Eventually all but 1 or 2 disappeared under a rock hang or cave.
We were most fortunate to see the fellow below racing through clear shallow waters chasing fish. This one looked to be having a fine old time as he scythed through the shallows of the beach which we were walking. It looked like he was chasing fish. The speed and agility at which he moved was impressive. It was our best sighting of the Galapagos Penguin. Unfortunately it was our only one of such quality.

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