November 14, 2010

More Manitoba Mammals

There were quite a few other mammals to be seen this summer in Manitoba, starting with this little wild rabbit I saw while taking a walk through the Forks. He dashed across the path and stood still just long enough for my auto-focus to kick in before jumping through a hole in the fence. They are a not uncommon but always pleasant sight for me, and somewhat less so for my mother-in-law and her wonderful garden.
A trip out to Oak Hammock Marsh found us a handful of very tame and curious Richardsons Ground Squirrels, one of which in particular was willing to pose until we were practically sitting on him with his nose in the lens.
And last but not least, the icon of Manitoba, the bison. They were unfortunate in being on the wrong end of the "there's so many of them we can kill them forever and never run out" line of thought of early settlers. Their once massive herds have been decimated to a number of protected herds in provincial parks and some small herds raised for meat. This individual is from the latter group as there was a small group of them near the marsh.

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