August 5, 2010

Celebration of Kathryn

Kathryn's official birthday is today, but since she is in the field at the moment we had to have some celebrations in advanc. Carrying on our "never a dull moment when she's in town" mentality we had a bunch of things lined up for the weekend. Pride parade, Lion King musical, party, fireworks, beach...the list goes on :) Here she is looking every bit as lovely as the first second I ever laid eyes on her.
On the Friday evening we had a bunch of friends over for drinks, cupcakes, and footage from Africa. Had a nice turnout of good people that went well into the early hours of the morning.
Saturday was the last night of the annual fireworks festival and China celebrated Kathryn in their own special way by setting the sky on fire.
Happy birthday my little darling, I love you with all my heart.

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