December 24, 2009

Bird is (Apparently) the Word

Despite the festive season and all the cold that most of us associate with this time of year, our neighborhood has been very active with birds in the last week. Kathryn spotted with pair of eagles courting for several hours on the roof of one of the nearby apartment towers and was able to get a number of excellent photos. They had a lengthy and vocal bit of time together both in the air far above and on the ledge at the top of the building.
With all these predators around, the ducks in Stanley Park are as friendly as ever. On a Christmas Eve walk through the park we were surrounded on all sides by a flock of birds looking for a handout. Unfortunately for them we didn't have any bread on us and they left empty-bellied.
We had set out originally with a pocket of sunflower seeds and the intention of feeding some chickadees. Kathryn and I were both very lucky to have a number of them eat out of our hands. Vancouver seems to have both the black-capped variety we were used to at home as well as a local Chestnut-Backed variety that were new to us. Kathryn fed chickadees with my parents in the Whiteshell at Christmas a few years back and I was glad to see we can carry on the tradition out here :)

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