Here's a joke. Darth Vader and an Octopus Swim into a Bar... Stop me if you've heard this one...
And that's pretty much the joke because that's what Geordie and I ran into at SEA STAR WARS at the Vancouver Aquarium. Every once in a while this venue pulls something quite clever from underneath the fat seal. This featured a custom made Scuba Darth Vadar suit complete with light saber. It was really well done. Lots of Death sea star puns and goodness. It was narrated by Princee Leia. Below Darth Vadar menaces us underwater.
Mr Vadar's spotter was of course a storm trooper. Whose skill in spotting exceeds his marksmenship. Fantastic costumes all around. A real crowd pleaser.
And there is Octavius a great big Pacific Gian Octopus (now deceased) using the Force to combat Scuba Darth Vadar. Seems like a better plot than episode 1. Octavius got too big for his regular tank so they plopped him into the great big one. The white on his head is from bumping into the rocks and glass. Octopussies are really curious and was really keen on Darth Vadar.
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