October 24, 2011

The Gargoyles of Parliament Hill

 Like any good gothic structure, the buildings on Parliament Hill are quite covered in gargoyles and grotesques of all sorts, both inside and out. The sunlight was more ideal than the dim interior lighting (I am pretty sure Harper would be destroyed by direct sunlight anyways) so they're all exterior pieces below but the inside stuff was very nice too. If you look at our previous post you can just make out 4 of these guys at each corner of the top of the Peace Tower.
 Not every piece is an 8-foot protruding epic either, this little dog/fish was only a few feet across with a little dragon opposite him by some of the archways at the ground level. Most of the smaller pieces were unique and unrepeated as well, making the hunt for their various faces all the more enjoyable.
 The crest of Canada was done up at the front gate with the lion on the left and the unicorn below on the right. I particularly like its dropped jaw and protruding tongue. Infact, looking at this image and the one above makes me think that most of the gargoyles posing for the building are actually just teenagers feel awkward about having their photos taken.

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